
Xerox Project

The concept was a surreal landscape. The hills/ground is my forearm, the trees are my hand, the mountains in the back left are my knuckles and the clouds are the back of my calf. Originally I was hoping my leg and arm hair would come out more defined, but after scanning it did not, however I left some white around some of the cut outs to add some more texture, which I think was especially effective in the clouds and ground/hills.


  1. I really liked how you made your body parts represent something else. I thought that it really worked well with your scene. I also like the black and white contrast.

  2. I thought that your project was really neat! It was completely different than all the other ones in the class. I liked that you created a scene with your body parts. Very cool and very surreal!

  3. Cool use of body parts! It's a great scene.
